"'Danny Says’ is an incredible document and an important chronicle of pop culture."
- Town & Village
- Rolling Stone
"Rating: A+"
- Forces Of Geek
"Rollicking, funny and ridiculously enjoyable."
- Paper Magazine
"A must-see for fans of rock and punk."
- Latino Review
"Superb. A rich portrait of one of 20th century pop culture’s great facilitators, whose keen observations, quirky personality and natural affinity for the outré helped greatness happen."
- The Los Angeles Times
"A fast-paced, energetic, and thoroughly enjoyable bit of pop portraiture."
- Flavorwire
"You could make a convincing case that without Danny Fields, punk rock would not have happened."
- Charlie Curkin, The New York Times
"The man who almost undoubtedly helped shape whatever music you are listening to right now."
- Rolling Stone